Grim Dawn Beginner Guide
Last Updated: 15 December 2021
Here are some of the best skills along with devotion to level with for each class. One of the best things about Grim Dawn is that you have the ability to reset your skill points. Meaning the skill that you end up using at the endgame doesn't have to be the skill you start off with. This guide lists out some of the best skills to level with and get you to the endgame quickly.

Main Skill
Forcewave and transmuted with Tremor to remove cooldown. Modify it with both Rendering Force and Internal Trauma . This should give you excellent clear as long as you pick up a decent physical damage weapon.
Support Skills
Field Command with Squad Tactics is a good offensive and defensive buff.
Decorated Soldier gives you physical damage and some resistance.
Fighting Spirit is great to add some conditional damage.
Blitz (one point) to engage quickly with enemies.
Falcon to help with clear. Attach Falcon Swoop to Forcewave.

Main Skills
Firestrike with Explosive Strike is great for clear using dual wield pistols.
Support Skills
Vindicative Flame will give you good health regeneration and movement speed.
Flame Touched will give additional fire damage.
Get Fiend and attach Flame Torrent to Firestrike.

Main Skills
Summon Familiar modified with Storm Spirit and Lightning Strike. Mend Flesh is good but not necessary. Go for Summon Hellhound after maxing Summon Familiar.
Support Skills
Curse of Frailty is great with its elemental resistance reduction when modified with Vulnerability.
Get Shepard's Crook and attach Shepard's Call to Curse of Frailty.

Main Skills
Amarasta’s Blade Burst for clear with Lethal Assault modifier.
Support Skills
Pneumatic Burst for heals and movement speed. Modifying it with Shadow Dance also gives you some defensive abilities.
Shadow Strike is a good one-point movement ability.
Veil of Shadow modified with Night’s Chill for passive damage and to debuff enemies.
Get Tsunami and bind it to Amarasta’s Blade Burst.

Main Skills
Olexra’s Flash Freeze is great for clear with the modifier Absolute Zero.
Support Skills
For extra boss damage, use Trozan’s Sky Shard with Frozen Core modifier.
Mirror of Ereoctes for temporary damage absorption.
Maiven's Sphere of Protection for damage absorption buff.
Get Tsunami and bind it to Olexra's Flash Freeze.

Main Skills
Primal Strike is great for clearing with a 2-handed range weapon. Modify it with Torrent and Storm Surge.
Support Skills
Summon Briarthorn can serve as a tank early and helps you recover energy faster.
Mogdrogen’s Pact is good for some health and energy recovery and modifying it with Heart of the Wild will give a boost to your life pool.
Wind Devil is a great summon modified with Raging Tempest to reduce enemy resistance.
Get Tsunami and bind it to Primal Strike.

Main Skills
Word of Pain modified with Word of Agony and Death Sentence.
Support Skills
Word of Renewal for heals, movement speed, and some defense.
Rune of Hagarrad with Biting Cold modifier can help if you are struggling with boss damage.
Deadly Aim for extra damage after crits.
Get Tsunami and bind it to Word of Pain.

Main Skills
Max Raise Skeletons and its modifiers Undead Legion and Will of the Crypt. That should give you a solid group of minions.
Support Skills
Call of the Grave is great for buffing your summons' damage.
Blight Fiend and its Rotting Fumes is good for reducing enemy defensive ability.
Put a few points into Ill Omen for the enemy debuff or leave it empty.
Any leftover points can be placed into Spectral Binding for health.
Get Fiend and put Torrent on Raise Skeletons.

Main Skills
Aegis of Menhir modified with Avenging Shield for clear and Reprisal for more damage.
Support Skills
Ascension is a good buff for damage absorption and retaliation damage. Vire's Might is a good one-point skill for engaging the enemies.
Anvil is good to go for. Bind Targo's Hammer to Ascension.
Starting Components
- Mark of Dreeg [weapon or shield] for its Dreeg's Infinite Gaze skill which can be used in conjunction with a movement skill for fast clear
- Mark of the Traveler [boots] for movement speed.
- Corpse Dust [rings/amulets/medals] for vitality resistance.
- Wardstone [amulets/medals] for elemental and bleed resistance and movement speed.
- Purified Salt [weapons/shields] for its aether ward ability which gives aether resistance.
- Dense Fur [belt] for armor.
- Silk Swatch [shoulder/chest/leg armor] for pierce and bleeding resistance.
- Chains of Oleron [chest] for movement speed and offensive abilities.